If you do not acquire the mabari during this quest, the hound can still be "recruited" during the Return to Ostagar DLC, where the player finds a mabari dog.The one mentioned above is simply nearest to the Wilds entrance/exit. There are numerous locations for the Wilds Flower all are white with a red center, and grow on mossy logs.The other significant difference for a Human Noble is that there will be no interaction with the sick Mabari (no muzzling, no option to put the hound out of its misery).The quest may then be completed at any time prior to the war council cut-scene. If you are of Human Noble Origin, you already have your own Mabari and the quest will not be offered at the king's camp however, you may still acquire it by picking a Wilds Flower, which will trigger a cut-scene in which Daveth claims that the Kennel Master has offered a reward for it.Note: In the Ultimate Edition, if you pressure him for a higher reward, you still receive 50, but no XP.įor those not of Human Noble Origin, there is a delayed additional result: the party will encounter Dog near Deserted Farmland (while heading for Lothering). You may pressure him for the maximum reward (50 and 500 XP), and if you say a reward isn't necessary, you receive no money and no XP. If you simply offer the flower you found or got the quest by speaking with the Kennel Master, he will present you with a default reward of 20 and 250 XP. If you get the quest by locating the flower in the Wilds and ask for the reward Daveth mentioned when presenting it to the Kennel Master, he will tell you Daveth was mistaken and there is no reward available. Instead of muzzling the mabari, you may kill it.Make sure you do this before completing After the Joining, or the Kennel Master will no longer be available. Bring the flower to the Kennel Master and the quest is complete.

This Wilds Flower can be found on a number of mossy logs throughout the Wilds area the one closest to your entry point is just past the dying soldier.If you muzzle the hound, the kennel master will then ask you to seek a certain flower if you head into the Korcari Wilds.(The Human Noble Warden has a different introduction to this quest: see below.) If you are not a Human Noble, then when you talk to the Kennel Master (in central West Ostagar) he will tell you about a sick mabari and ask you to muzzle it.