Some boss fights and enemies in the first game have been tweaked to be fairer for players but still challenging.
Squadmates can now be commanded independently of each other in the first Mass Effect, the same way you can command them individually in Mass Effect 2 and 3.
Effectiveness/strength is increased (duration reduced in some cases).
Weapon powers (i.e., those that are unlocked on each weapon type’s skill tree) have been improved:.
Inventory and stores now have sorting functionality.
All Junk items can be converted into Omni-gel or sold to merchants at once.
Specializations (the ability to train/upgrade certain weapons) are still class-specific.
All weapons can be used by any class without penalty.
They are now also available to purchase from merchants.
Previously, these stopped dropping at higher player levels.
Ammo mods (Anti-Organic, Anti-Synthetic, etc.) can now drop throughout the whole game.
Previously some did not, including humanoid enemies.
All relevant enemies now take headshot damage in the first game.
Improved aim assist for target acquisition.
Aiming down sights/”tight aim” camera view has been improved.
Weapon accuracy and handling has been significantly improved.
Melee attacks are now mapped to a button press rather than automatically occurring based on proximity to an enemy.
These changes will make the entire experience tighter, and in some cases such as cover and melee mapping, more in-line with the rest of the trilogy. Here’s a bulleted list of changes made to Mass Effect’s combat, which was decidedly more RPG systems-driven than its sequels. In a blog posted today, Bioware broke down several technical changes made between tuning the combat of the first Mass Effect, making the Mako a tolerable vehicle to drive, and creating a universal character creator so your version of Commander Shepard can look the same across all three games. While Bioware has said it’s looking to keep the original games as intact as possible, the studio has also acknowledged that some aspects are dated, need to be retooled due to the lack of inclusion of ME3’s multiplayer mode, or just need to be made more uniform between all three games. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, the remastered collection of Bioware’s original trilogy, is coming out just under a decade after Mass Effect 3’s launch in 2012.